by 550art | Dec 20, 2019 | Alabama, Dog, Location, Medium, Oil Painting, Portrait
This is custom oil painting, dog pet portrait created Carol Ferguson Art, a local Alabama Artist. If you are looking for a one of a kind custom pet lover gift, please click the button below to see pricing and get started on your custom dog pet portrait:...
by 550art | Oct 4, 2019 | Dog, Graphite Pencils, Houston, Location, Medium, Portrait, Prisma Colors, TX
Custom Pet Dog Portrait for Houston TX Dog Custom drawn graphite pencil pet dog portrait for dog owner in Houston, TX. If you would like to see pricing and or get started please...
by 550art | Dec 22, 2018 | Dog, Portrait
This was one of my first commissioned painted pastel pet portrait. The client wanted a hand drawn dog portrait of their chocolate lab. If you would like to see pricing and or get started please visit:...